Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Ultimate Dance Partner

It is amazing how much fun dancing can be. Fun memories are created, laughs are shared, as well as unpredictable moments that keep you on your toes.

Dancing is so much more though; it is symbolic.

The man leading the woman around while the woman follows and looks beautiful, pointing her toes and smiling. It is more than just a dance; it is dependent on trust between partners. If both decide to dance separately, the true beauty of this art form is not seen. It takes the union to create aharmony to the musical arrangement.

"Trust in the Lord will all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5

God is the dancer who is leading us to the absolutely amazing arrangement of life. He asks us to follow Him.

I have to admit it is hard to follow sometimes. It is easy to decide to follow your own path, to beindependent. It is easy to get lost in the world and wonder where the joy went, and find yourself ina dark pit, where only a dim light appears, out of your reach.

Then in the mist of depression from the darkness which has engulfed you, God sends you an angel togive you guidance and support, to remind you that God has not forgotten you. He is right here withyou, He will never leave you. He gives you strength to fight for the light and joy in the world; itis a tough battle which rages. The outcome of trusting God to help you to the light is amazing, anoverwhelming peace and joy, unexplainable in all of its glory.

God just wants to dance with you. If you let Him, He will lead you like no one else can. He willteach you some amazing moves and celebrate the joy of life with you.

There will be times that the tempo increases working you to your limit; God is still there. Thingsaround you may tempt you; God is there to give you strength to resist. When you are weak, He willcomfort you, holding you close to His heart.

He is an amazing dancer that calls to all to join Him, not guaranteeing that it will always be easyor that it will always work out the way you have planned, but that He will never leave you.

He just wants you to follow Him down a path He has planned for you, with the ultimate goal ofgrowing closer to Him. He has an amazing plan for each of us, which is beyond our knowledge. It iseasy to try and lead yourself, to predict what He has planned; only He knows, so trust in the Lord.

Have faith in the One who made you, who loves you unconditionally, and who is asking you to dance.

By Zandra J. Warren

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